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Category > Vacations/Travels

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Je cherche un professeur français dans Chinon
Je vais voyager a Chinon le 29 Août - le 5 Septembre et je voudrais faire de classes privées. S'il vous plaît me contacter si vous êtes professeur. Merci!

I'll be in Chinon with my husband and some friends August 29-September 5. My husband and his friends will be bicycling most of the time, but since I'm not a big cyclist, I'd like to take private french classes during the day (3-4 hours/day). Please contact me if you have experience teaching. Merci!

Language pair: French; 
July 13, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Je cherche un professeur français dans Chinon
Je vais voyager a Chinon le 29 Août - le 5 Septembre et je voudrais faire de classes privées. S'il vous plaît me contacter si vous êtes professeur. Merci!

I'll be in Chinon with my husband and some friends August 29-September 5. My husband and his friends will be bicycling most of the time, but since I'm not a big cyclist, I'd like to take private french classes during the day (3-4 hours/day). Please contact me if you have experience teaching. Merci!

Language pair: French; 
July 13, 2009

# Msgs: 1

me too i want to learn english and speak about everything ! i speak also french and arabic .

Language pair: French; English
June 30, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 30, 2009
I'm a french girl who would like to learn English, I study Tourism and it's very important for me to improve my English and also my Italian!can you help me ???I like to speak about tourism, travel, movies and everything!

Language pair: French; English
June 28, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 30, 2009
Hello! I'm planning to travel to Paris in Nov 09, can someone teach me basic French including pronounciation. I'll teach you Bahasa Malaysia in return. TQ

Language pair: English; French
aina s.
May 22, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 30, 2009
traveling in indonsia
if u want traveel in indonesia, i can help u because i'm indonesian

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); French
syarif h.
May 21, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Your maasai tour guide
Hi i'm mark n i'm maasai frm kenya i would like 2 get spanish or french friends who can help me learn french n spanish in exchange of swahili n maasai

Language pair: French; Spanish
Leboo M.
May 14, 2009

# Msgs: 1

I need help with French and would possibly like to help someone with English?
Hi. Je m'appelle Bini, j'ai 15 ans, j'habite en angleterre et je voudrais ameriorer mes francais parceque maintenant je suis du mal. j'espere que je pourrais t'aider avec anglais quand tu m'aider avec francais. donc, parler bientot.

tu me chercher sur m/s ou fbk-
je suis "bini monster" sur

ou sur myspace je suis


Language pair: English; French
April 25, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Qui veut apprendre avec moi?

Je suis Eugénie de Montréal, au Québec,Canada.

Je me débrouille assez bien en anglais mais j'aimerais m'améliorer

Qui est intéressé d'échanger avec moi.

J'aimerais aussi apprendre l'espagnol;je connais quelques mots...
qui pourrait m'en apprendre plus en échange de mon français

Language pair: French; 
Eugénia L.
March 25, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:Working in France
Hello Simone,

I'm looking for someone who can speak with me in english. I'm french, i'm 39 years old, I have 3 children. I love dance, cinema and "jardinage" (garden). If you want too, send me a mail.

Have a good day.

Language pair: French; English
March 23, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 30, 2009
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