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Language > German
Category > Activities and Games

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Who could help me to improve my english?
Hi everyone! My name is Monique and I want to improve my english. Could someone help me?

Language pair: English; German
Monika L.
May 10, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Language game

Language pair: Russian; German
larisie s.
December 16, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 25, 2006
Re:Language game

Language pair: Russian; German
David Q.
December 13, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 25, 2006
Language game
Rules: I pick the topic or subject (for example, vegetables), then the first person adds:

1. Tomato
next person adds: 2. Potato
then somebody else provides: 3. Cucumber

and so on, until somebody writes word number 13. This person changes the topic (or subject) and the game goes on.

So, my first topic is family.

1. sibling

Language pair: Russian; German
December 11, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 25, 2006
Terve- i needs your hep too!!!
Hei, i want to learn Finnish, its very important! and i can help you with your German! :-) pleace mail back. kiitos ja greetings ;-))


Language pair: German; Finnish
October 26, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 26, 2006
Re:Re:Re: France
Hello ! my name is Jessica and my nativ language is German. I learn since ca. 3 years Frence. Its really nice if u write me. maybe i can help u bit bit with your german language, if u want. but it's really nice, if u want to help me.

Language pair: German; 
August 14, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Salut Tom! Je veux apprendre un peu d'Allemend. Est-ce que tu peux m'aider mon e_mail est sannouna_1 at yahoo point fr

Language pair: French; German
July 31, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:poor girl needs help
Hi, I think I can help you...

Language pair: German; Finnish
July 25, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 26, 2006
Re:Word game - Wort beherzt
Apple. The fruit of knowledge.

Language pair: German; All
December 29, 2005

# Msgs: 1

German bitte
my name is andrew and I would like to learn german. I can try teach you english but I have never really been a teacher:)I am not a gold member.

Language pair: German; English
May 29, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Total found: 165 !
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