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Language > French
Category > Vacations/Travels

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german and french.
Hi everyone!
I would like to practise my german as well as learning french.
If there is any one out there who would like to assist me with these two languages.

Please feel free to contact me.

Language pair: German; French
olga b.
September 30, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 30, 2009
soy coralie, vivo al sur de francia. el año pasado vivia en barcelona. Si quieres te puedo ayudar a mejorar tu nivel de frances. en cambio, hablas un poquito conmigo en español, asi puedo practicarlo jajaja. que te parece??? espero hasta pronto!

Language pair: French; Spanish
September 26, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: December 30, 2009
Hi Renata, I am french and I speak english and a little spanish.
Contact me if you want to perfect your french.

Language pair: French; Spanish
August 1, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: December 30, 2009
Hablo español, hablo inglés y esoty aprendiendo francés, quisiera practicarlo.

Language pair: French; Spanish
July 30, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: December 30, 2009
Re:Je cherche quelc'un qui peut m'aider en français
bonjour Emanuela, je m'appelle Nancy, je suis de Belgique et je suis à moitié italienne et j'aimerai mieux le parler donc si ça t'intéresse on peut s'aider toutes les deux à bientôt j'espère

Language pair: French; Italian
May 26, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 30, 2009
chào jonathan!
oh, you already been 5 times to vietnam and learning it for 2 years now??? and me? i have learned it 22 years since I was born :))). my name in site is anh nga:please contract with me

Language pair: Vietnamese; French
anh n.
May 19, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 19, 2008
chào jonathan!
oh, you already been 5 times to vietnam and learning it for 2 years now??? and me? i have learned it 22 years since I was born :))). my name in site is anh nga:please contract with me

Language pair: Vietnamese; French
anh n.
May 19, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 19, 2008
trip in uzbekistan
Hi !
I am going to Uzbekistan in June for one month alone to study the uzbek arts and I am looking for people who could help me to learn a few uzbek words and give me some tips for my trip ! I would be glad to teach french in exchange !
Cheers !

Language pair: Uzbek; French
May 19, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Je cherche quelc'un qui peut m'aider en français
Bonjour à tout le monde! Je m'appelle Emanuela, je suis italienne et je cherche quelc'un qui veut m'aider à ameilleurer mon français. En échange je peux aider avec l'italien.

Language pair: French; Italian
May 13, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 30, 2009
meet vietnamese people, hoc tieng viet va du lich :)
Chao nguoi Viet Nam,
I hope you are doing fine;) I'm Jonathan, 26, and would like to meet 1 or more vietnamese people to chat, and talk in vietnamese and of course meet someday... why not?? i've already been 5 times to vietnam and learning it for 2 years now, so no problem. I just hope you want to contact me, and let's get motivated to learn :)

Language pair: Vietnamese; French
May 11, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 19, 2008
Total found: 271 !
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