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Language > French
Category > Vacations/Travels

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Re:going to cuba
amigo, vivo en cuba, te escribo un poco tarde, espero que la hallas pasado bien en cuba, si sabes de alguien que viene a cuba que necesite de mi ayuda o mi guia, puedes contactarme.

desde Cuba

Language pair: English; French
Yunior L.
April 14, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 14, 2008
hello , i'm morrocan girl. i want to help you if you will learn the arabic language and you you teach me the english because i'm just in beginning in english . Goodbye

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; French
Fadwa h.
March 8, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 7, 2008
going to cuba
i am going to cuba in march would like a little help on the language spoken there . and where to go fishing if possible . just want to go there and learn culture realx and maybe do a little fishing

Language pair: English; French
john d.
February 18, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 14, 2008
need some travel advice on French and Spain
Hi everyone:
Im Helene and im planning a trip to Provence and Spain. does anyone know when is the harvest season of lavender and any recommendation to some funny place. thanks

Language pair: French; Spanish
Iris 3.
January 19, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Travel to Edinburgh
En Avril, je vais séjourner chez mon frère en Edingburgh, donc je cherche des personnes avec qui parler là bas afin de progresser en anglais et faire de nouvelles connaissances tout en profitant de mon séjour. En revenche je peux vous aider en retour pour le français (j'étudie également l'italien).
@bientot (^_')

hello, I'm going to Edinburgh in April Holidays, so i'm looking for people who could help me to improve my English (speaking with me) during my travel. In an other side, I could help you for French, and most of all having a good time.
See you soon^^

Language pair: French; English
December 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:This is natasha from taiwan, and im planing to apply
Ni hao
Wo qu guo zhongguo. Wo shi faguoren.
I can speak english too.
I am interested in your profile,
but I will have to become a gold member to contact you.
So long,
Loup Bleu

Language pair: French; Chinese, Mandarin
Loup B.
December 12, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 12, 2007
learn amercican language
I am 33 years old and live in the south of the France near Spean.
I want to speack more american because i am going with my husband and friends to Miami in April and I would like to talk with people. Can you let me a message because i am not a gold member.
Thank you for all,
and merry christmas!

Language pair: French; English
December 5, 2007

# Msgs: 1


I am French and I want to learn more in American language because Iam going to Miami in few months. Could you help me to learn american ? thank you

Language pair: French; English
December 5, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Soy francesa y estudio inglés y español, entonces, podemos hablar en tu o en mi lengua!
à bientôt peut-être!

Language pair: French; Spanish
November 10, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: December 30, 2009
Salut Svenja
Salut Svenja

Je m'appelle Ray et je suis mexicain, j'aimerais parler avec toi, je parle un peu de francais, anglais et ma langue maternelle l'espagnol. je sais un peu (trop petit) d'allemand

Je ne suis pas goldmember mais j'ai skype et messenger

à bientot

Language pair: French; Spanish
Ray D.
October 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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