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Language > English
Category > Seeking Partners

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Anyone want to learn JAPANESE??
I'm 23 years old Japanese female living in Japan.
I'm looking for a language exchange partner and good friend!!
I love studying English and want to improve my skills.
I'm not a professional teacher but I can teach you a basic Japanese in return.
Also, I'm intersted in studying French and Korean.
I'm biginner about those language but I'm trying to studying those.
If you are interested in studying Japanese, please feel free to e-mail me.
NO ROMANCE, please.
I'm looking forward seeing you soon!!

Language pair: English; Korean
March 14, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 29, 2010
i search english people to talk english

I need to improve my english for my future job, specialy to talk english,
if you to converse with me in skype, tell me that.

I'm french native and i live in the est of france.


Language pair: English; French
damien H.
March 13, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: March 20, 2007
Re:je voudrai apprendre francais
Bonjour Erin,

I can help you with your French. I am canadian too, but my first language is French. J'ai besoin d'aide entre autre pour ma prononciation :)

J'espère avoir des nouvelles de toi.

Language pair: French; English
March 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Want to practise Latin?
If you want to practise Latin, contact me. I have studied it for three years now at university and now just need someone to practise with, e.g. via msn Messenger. Contact me, if you're interested!

Language pair: Latin; English
Lynette M.
March 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

It seems that nobody want to learn Chinese£¡£¡£¡How terrible£¡
Chinese is such a beautiful language with a history of thousands of
years£¡And English is also awfully wonderful£¬so is Korean£¡£¡£¡

Language pair: English; Korean
March 11, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 6, 2006
It seems that nobody want to learn Chinese£¡£¡£¡How terrible£¡
Chinese is such a beautiful language with a history of thousands of
years£¡And English is also awfully wonderful£¬so is Korean£¡£¡£¡

Language pair: English; Korean
March 11, 2006

# Msgs: 1

It seems that nobody want to learn Chinese£¡£¡£¡How terrible£¡
Chinese is such a beautiful language with a history of thousands of
years£¡And English is also awfully wonderful£¬so is Korean£¡£¡£¡

Language pair: English; Korean
March 11, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Practice spanish
Jose, I am a native English speaker from los EE.UU. and I would also like help in learning Spanish. In return, I can help with your English. Por favor, ayúdame a aprender español mejor y te ayudaría con ingles.

Language pair: English; All
March 11, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:who wanna learn how to speak Thai, just leave a message ;D
Hey, maybe you can help me with my learning of thai (:

Language pair: Thai; English
March 9, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 25, 2007
Need someone to help me with my learning of Thai
Hi, i am kind of new to this website. Anybody fluent in Thai can help me with my progress on learning Thai? Please let me know if you can help. khob-khun krup ^^

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
March 8, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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