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Category > Books/Literature

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I'm trying to find the Russian versions of the poems:

“I was thinking...”
By Elena Shvarts


How Do You Make This…?
by Bella Akhmadulina


Language pair: English; Russian
March 12, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: March 27, 2016
Re:I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic
Read the book "New Lies for Old" by Anatoliy Golitsyn.
It will give you the first necessary info about Russia. And it offered in english.

Language pair: English; Russian
November 11, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 11, 2014
Re:I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic
Well, that's a tough book you choose to read to learn Russian, I'll give you that. :)
- Many fiction words
- Many words and phrases that are rather colloquial. Used for spoken language.
- Plot is not very clear and obvious

Many Russians don't get this book either.

Language pair: English; Russian
August 8, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 11, 2014
I'm trying to read the original Roadside Picnic
My first language is English and I want to learn Russian. Since I love sci-fi, I'm trying to read Roadside Picnic but some words in there I can't find in my English Russian dictionary. I can only comprehend some of it. If you speak Russian and have read this book, help would be appreciated.

Language pair: English; Russian
Matt S.
August 1, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 11, 2014
Russian childrens books

I'm learning russian and would like to read something else than the texts from my course. I was thinking about books for children but I'm having a hard time finding suitable titles.
Can anyone recommend me something?



Language pair: Russian; 
Jedidja W.
April 10, 2014

# Msgs: 1

What book you should read
You should read "New Lies for Old" by Anatoliy Golitsyn.
It's honest book. It's true example of honesty. The author is a good people and he offer needful knowledge for us.
It's like main book about Russia before and it to contunue to be valid for now.

After book above you start to understand that "beauty" Tolstoy, Dostoevskiy and so many others was highly offered for you for lure you in false deep traps only...

Language pair: English; Russian
June 27, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:So, what book you reading?
I'm currently rereading "My Sergei; A Love Story" by Ekaterina Gordeeva. I've had my copy since I was 13 years old, and although it has seen better days, it is by far one of my most prized books.

Language pair: English; Russian
June 24, 2013

# Msgs: 45
Latest: September 12, 2021
What book you reading?
I have just finished reading all of Victor Pelevin's books in translation. In my humble opinion he is one of the best post modern writers in Russia. Not only is he very funny with his dark satire he is also very philosophical. His magical realism reminds me of Mikhail Bulgakov. I can not wait for more of his books to be published.

I am now about to read Vladimir Makanin who shares similar themes to Pelevin.

Language pair: English; Russian
Korky K.
June 21, 2013

# Msgs: 45
Latest: September 12, 2021
Re:So, what book you reading?
I've resently finished reading "Karamazov Brothers" of Dostoyevsky. It was very hard book for me. Now I'm reading "Solaris" of Stanislav Lem. It is phylosofic and fanastic story, very profound work.

Language pair: English; Russian
Roman P.
May 29, 2013

# Msgs: 45
Latest: September 12, 2021
Books in Russian
Daniel please contact me, I have o lot of books for children in different forms.

I am Yulia Semenova from Kiev

Language pair: English; Russian
Yulia S.
November 24, 2010

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