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Language > Tamil
Category > Seeking Partners

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hi there, i want to learn hindi. will help to learn tamil
hi there, i want to learn hindi. will help to learn tamil

Language pair: Tamil; Hindi
December 29, 2015

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 3, 2016
Help me
Hey guys! I'm seeking for people who can teach me korean. I am desperate to learn it.I love S.Korea and Korean culture because it's very much similar to south Indian(especially Tamil Nadu) culture and it is surprising that Korean and Tamil(my native language) share a few words in common and the grammer is very much similar. So, I think I would be able to pick up Korean a bit fast(not sure). Anyone interested in learning Tamil or English can feel free to ask me. I hoping to get new friends. ♥사랑애 한극♥ Sorry about my Korean. ♡lol♡ Gold members,please do mail me because I can't initiate a conversation. Thanks for reading with patience. lol!

Language pair: English; Tamil
Nivetha a.
October 15, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Help me
Hey guys! I'm seeking for people who can teach me korean. I am desperate to learn it.I love S.Korea and Korean culture because it's very much similar to south Indian(especially Tamil Nadu) culture and it is surprising that Korean and Tamil(my native language) share a few words in common and the grammer is very much similar. So, I think I would be able to pick up Korean a bit fast(not sure). Anyone interested in learning Tamil or English can feel free to ask me. I hoping to get new friends. ♥사랑애 한극♥ Sorry about my Korean. ♡lol♡

Language pair: English; Tamil
Nivetha a.
October 15, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:seeking friend to help me speak tamil, please......

I need to learn Tamil! I can speak in English, Hindi and beginner level of Spanish as well!

Anybody interested?

Language pair: English; Tamil
August 27, 2015

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 27, 2015
Re:Re:Re:seeking friend to help me speak tamil, please......
Hi to Viji and Nasiera,
If both of you haven't got a Tamil language partner, please email me.
Perhaps I can help.

Best of luck.

Language pair: English; Tamil
October 31, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 27, 2015
Re:Re:seeking friend to help me speak tamil, please......
Hi Sanjay, I speak English fluently, but would like to practice Tamil. Are you a gold member? Thanks

Language pair: English; Tamil
October 28, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 27, 2015
Re:seeking friend to help me speak tamil, please......
I think I can teach you tamil

Language pair: English; Tamil
October 14, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 27, 2015
learning language malayalam
can i know how can i tell hi in malayalam

Language pair: English; Tamil
Noorul F.
August 31, 2014

# Msgs: 1

seeking friend to help me speak tamil, please......
I'm looking for a friend to help me speak Tamil.
I'm fluent in Afrikaans and English but a beginner at Tamil.
Please help.

Language pair: English; Tamil
June 12, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 27, 2015
seeking friend to help me speak tamil, please......
I'm looking for a friend to help me speak Tamil.
I'm fluent in Afrikaans and English but a beginner at Tamil.
Please help.

Language pair: English; Tamil
June 12, 2014

# Msgs: 1

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