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Language > German
Category > Jokes

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Re:Re:Hay There :D
hello ' Alan can you help me ? :) I want to practice English I'm Turkýsh. ýf you want ,you can send a message to me :)

Language pair: German; English
hande garip
August 31, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 31, 2011
Re:Hay There :D
I've been practicing Deutsch for a few time, and I'd love to improve it, I'm an english teacher, so what do you think, can we keep in touch?


Language pair: German; English
Alan R.
August 4, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 31, 2011
Halo!!!!Moechte gern deutsch studiren!!!!

Language pair: German; English
August 3, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Hay There :D
Hi! I'm here to find a new mail-friend....male or female... :) I speak german fluently so i can teach you and want to improve my English... Anybody interested?? C u

Language pair: German; English
Simon K.
July 31, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 31, 2011
I need help to improve my english knowledge =)
I don¢¥t could write to any people, so i wait for someone with english mother tongue
I ¢¾ learn friendly =)

Language pair: English; German
John Z.
June 30, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Learn Japanese
My name is Yoshiki. I am Japanese who live in
Dalian China.
I speak English.
I would like to make friesnd with German people.
Thank you.

Language pair: German; Japanese
Yoshiki M.
June 26, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 26, 2011
Re:Help me to improve my English. I help you to improve your German.
Hello Laura !!

I hope you will get this message !!!!!!!!! lol We can speak in english if you want too !! And i would be so gladdd to learn germann !! :)

Pleaseeeeeeeeee answer mee XD (no i'm not crazy lol but it would be such a shame that you don't see my message !! =( )

Language pair: German; 
May 3, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 3, 2011
Re:Help me to improve my English. I help you to improve your German.
Oops sorry lara not laura !! sorry !

Language pair: German; 
May 3, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 3, 2011
My German Friend have improved and correct grammar fault as below.
Herr Schmidt und Frau Klein sind Bauern.Ihre Ho"fe liegen neben einander.Sie pflanzen Tomaten,Kohl und Gurken.Herr Schmidt Tomaten sind rot und scho"n.Frau Klein Tomaten sind hellgru"n und nict interessant.Frau Kleinfragt Herrn Schmidt:"Ihre Tomaten sindrot und scho'n,aber meine nicht.Wie bekommen Sie Ihre Tomaten so rot?"Herr Schmidt anworted:"Ich laufe zweimal in der Woche nackt durch den Bereich.Die Tomaten werden bescha"mt und erro"ten".Frau Klein sagt:"Ich werde ihre Methode kopiere."Nach zwei Wochen treffen sich Herr Schmidt und Frau Klein.Schmidt fragt:"wie es ihren Tomaten geht?Sind die rot geworden?"Klein anworte:"Die Tomaten sind nicht rot,aber die Gurken sind grosser als zuvor."

Language pair: German; English
nyo k.
May 1, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 1, 2011
Re:Re:i want to practice geman!
hi katharina! i´m spanish and i´ve started a few months ago to lean german. Maybe we can help each other, what do u think?

Language pair: Spanish; German
April 28, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 28, 2011
Total found: 616 !
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