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Language > German
Category > Slang/Expressions

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I need help with somali language
I speak Arabic, English and French. I am interested in learning Somali. If there is someone out there who is somali and interested in those 3 languages please contact me. I am not a gold member.



Language pair: Somali; German
Mohammed M.
April 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

i am looking for somebody who like to help me uprading my english, I am native german so i can help you learning german. I am Bérénice and i am 24.

Language pair: English; German
April 18, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hola como estan? Hello how are you?
Hello I would like to learn German,if somebody are willing to teach me I am more than glad, also I can be a good source to someone who will like to learn Spanish.

Language pair: English; German
Esperanza A.
April 3, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hi to everybody^^

I am a half morrocan girl and i speak german, english and a little bit of french and spanish...I'd love to improve my morrocan so i am glad to achieve any help i could ;-)

Language pair: German; Arabic, Moroccan
March 15, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 23, 2013
Re:Re:some german words?
ich bin Yolanda aus Kolumbien und möchte gerne mein Deutsch verbessern, vielleicht kanns du mir damit helfen,, ich kann auch Englisch und mein Mutterschprache ist Spanisch, also können wir austauschen!. Ich brauche noch Vokabular und Gramatik auf Deutsch!
Ich bin ein Jahr in Deutschland gewessen und hab viel gelernt aber jetzt bin ich nach meinem Land wieder zurück vor 4 Jahren gekommen und ich kann es bemerken, wie ich schon mein Deutsch vegesse, und das ist schade. Also mach bitte Kontakt zu mir!! ich warte

Language pair: German; Spanish
Yolanda Y.
February 16, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Slang German/English
You can write the phrases you like to know and i give you a translation :-))

Language pair: German; English
January 30, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 30, 2008
Re:Slang German/English
If you can explain to me the situations you are interested in knowing slang, I can help you. I would just like to learn some everyday phrases in German.

Language pair: German; English
January 28, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 30, 2008
Slang German/English
I'd like to learn more about english slang expressions (especially Business Slang) and offer the same in german!
Mach's gut, Rafaela

Language pair: German; English
Rafaela K.
January 27, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 30, 2008
Hello TeNeal and Lena Dammann
I would thank you and Lena Dammann for help me..:D
TeNeal, you asked for some sentence: "I can speak a little German," = "Jeg kan snakke litt tysk", and; "Do you speak German or English?" = "kan du snakke tysk eller engelsk?" and; "I know English" = "Jeg kan engelsk".. The other sentences: "Hello" = "Hallo", "Es ist ein schöner Abend" = Det er en vakker kveld" or "For en nydelig kveld", "Tschüß/ Auf Wiedersehen" = "Hade or farvel", "Bis später" = "ser deg senere" or "snakkes", "Bringen Sie mir (bitte!) ein kaltes Bier" = "gi meg en kald øl" or "hit med en kald øl!", "Bitte helfen Sie mir/ Bitte hilf mir" = "Kan du være så snill å hjelpe meg?" or "Hjelp meg"..

Language pair: Norwegian; German
Nikolai H.
January 7, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:German - Norwegian
Guten Tag, Nikolai! Ich bin Tenn, "Zehn". I'm not fluent in German, but I'm learning, and I think it'd be great to learn the Norweigan equivalents of what I know in German!

Hello, this is a lovely evening: "Hallo! Dies ist ein schoen Abend!" The literal translation of that is "Hello, this is a beautiful evening.

bye- "Auf Wedersehen!"

Please help me- "Helfe mich, bitte?" I'm not quite certain that 'mich' is the proper GRAMMAR, but it does mean 'me'.

Bring me a cold beer: "Ich wird moechte eine kalt Bier." The literal translation of that is I would like a cold beer. From what my German teacher says, 'would like' is always better than 'i want' or 'give me'.

Could I know the same things in Norweigan? That, and "I can speak a little German," "Do you speak German or English?" and "I know English."

In German, those things are "Ich kann spreche klein Deutsch, Ich kann spreche klein Englisch." "Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Sprechen Sie Englisch?" and "Ich weiss Englisch." I know Norwegian: "Ich weiss Norwegisch."

Language pair: German; Norwegian
January 6, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 6, 2008
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