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Language > German
Category > Slang/Expressions

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German - Norwegian
Gothen dagh! Ich bin Nikolai, and I need help from some german-talking-people to improve my German.. I am going to studying German at the atumn 2008 and three yrs. from that..
For example how to say: Hello, this is a lovely evning, bye, see you later, bring me a cold beer and please hep me!.. That's the words/sentence I want to know at german (for now).. Answer, and we're going to do a language exchange! You teach me German, and I teach you Norwegian :D
Thank you..

Language pair: German; Norwegian
Nikolai H.
December 28, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 6, 2008
I'm a german native speaker. so if u want i can help you. Unfortunately I'm not a gold member so i dont know how i contact you...

Language pair: German; French
November 29, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 29, 2007
ALBANIAN german and english
hey i speak english fluently and i really need to learn albanian. my german is good too.

Language pair: Albanian; German
November 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Je voudrais pratiquer mon français avec quelqu'un qui pratique peut-être l'anglais.
Ich kann auch ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen. Ich möchte mein Deutsch mit jemandem üben.
Merci/Danke :)

Harriet xx

Language pair: German; French
November 25, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 29, 2007
Re:I want to improve my german
hi ivon,

i´d like to help you. unfortunately i´m not a gold member - if you´re one, please contact me. bye

Language pair: German; English
November 23, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 23, 2007
Re:Albanian vs. German + English
Urime per shqipen, une mund tu ndihmoj ta permiresoni ate! Nderkaq ju me ndihmoni ne gjermanisht.
ich gratuliere ihnen, Ihre albenische sprache ist gut, ich kann Ihnen helfen ihre Kentnnisse zu verbessern, inzwischen Sie könnten
mich mit meiner Deutsch helfen!
Allerdings bin pozitiv überrascht dass leute gibt die albanisch lernen
mit freundliche Grüsse

Language pair: German; Albanian
arlinda l.
November 17, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 17, 2007
i´m looking for people who are interested in learning german,turkish and could help me in SPANISH.
hello iam gülay from german. my mother tongues are german and turkish. i can speak english wel´l, but want to advance it.
for 2 years i have began with spanish. i have learned french too.
when you want to communicate with me to improve your german or turkish then ican help you. maybe you can help me in Spanish.

Language pair: German; Spanish
November 16, 2007

# Msgs: 1

German-English Knowledge exchange!:P
Let's improve in communication in german , and i can help you talk english!

Language pair: German; 
October 27, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hi Guyz,
I want to know the meaning Jo bhi ho in Hindi, can anybody tell what it means?
thx bye

Language pair: German; Turkish
October 23, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 26, 2007
Re:¿Quieres mejorar tu ingles? I interested to improve my english and learn germany

Como estas? Quiero aprendier mas espanol. In exchange, I can help you with your English. Por for vor, contact me anytime.


Language pair: English; German
October 9, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 9, 2007
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