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Re:Me gustaría aprender la lengua francesa
je parle parfetement le français . si tu veux je peux t'aider .
Mais moi aussi j'ai besoin de pratiquer un peu d'espagnol.
hablo frances muy bien . si quieres puedo te ayudar; sin embargo , yo tambien necessito practicar un poco de español

Language pair: Spanish; French
July 25, 2007

# Msgs: 9
Latest: May 20, 2008
soy una francesa de 18 anos,estudio el desino industrial en una escola de arte.
Quiro terminar mis estudios en Barcelona es porqué quiero perfeccionarme en castellano y apprender el catala (tengo origenes catalanas(soc de cotlioure pero visc a Tolosa) pero no hablo este idioma!)ajudi'm per favor!Puedo su ayudar en frances!

fins aviat!


Language pair: French; Spanish
July 20, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 6, 2007
Re:has anybody wants to learn chinese mandarin
hi nice to meet you i want to learn mandarin because i might go to China and i could teach you english. i am 17 year old girl and i speak english and french fluently. reply if you are interested!

Language pair: French; English
winnie j.
July 12, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 20, 2008
Me gustaría aprender la lengua francesa
Soy española, me gustaria practicar la lengua francesa ya que estoy en fase de estudio Gracias

Language pair: Spanish; French
Teresa s.
July 10, 2007

# Msgs: 9
Latest: May 20, 2008
Re:Français & Español: voice chat
Hola soy española y desearia practicar el idioma francés, se hablar un poco. gracias

Language pair: French; Spanish
Teresa s.
July 10, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 25, 2007
Français & Español: voice chat

Bonjour! ¡Hola! Hejsan!

Dear Friends! I’m a young lad in my 30-s, optimistic and with sense of humor. If you are native FRENCH or SPANISH speakers and want to communicate live in voice chat, I’d be more than happy to make your acquaintance. In return I can offer you Russian & Swedish.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Let’s talk!

Language pair: French; Spanish
December 17, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 25, 2007
"The rule does not apply on me"
> there was a moment when his mind told him: "you will regret it", however he decided to put it aside and have fun. This short moment is the damage willing, I think,

There is a common pattern in many of the mistakes we do, namely the thought that we can find an exception to the rule. "I can still take a 5-minute nap before I have to go. I can do this little bit of speeding even if it is considered illegal. I can run this test on the nuclear power plant with safety devices off. I can establish the capital city here even though there are earthquakes." However, there are times that the reality refuses to cooperate.

I wonder how many accidents there would be left, if we were free of all human shortsightedness.

Even though we want no harm to ourselves or to the people around us, we are guilty at the moments we knowingly mess up our priorities.

Courage may sometimes call for action that looks foolhardy. Then, I guess, it is the motive of the action that tells the heroes apart from the fools.

Are there any different words in your languages for mistakes by ignorance and mistakes by negligence?


Language pair: French; English
Juha-Petri T.
September 3, 2005

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 4, 2005
Re:Morality in isolation
> Don't you think that a long period of isolation for a man can deprive him of all the things he learnt from civilization, such as morals?

He may lose a couple of things, and perhaps learn a few new ones through his hardships. But I agree that in general he will appear less civilized, though not necessarily less moral.

My uncle has lived abroad since his youth, and he has been visiting Finland only a few times and quite briefly. Abroad he has no use for Finnish language (as far as I know), but he still speaks fluent and nearly perfect Finnish when he visits us. If a forest-dwelling man can preserve his morality even nearly as well as my uncle preserved his Finnish, then I would say that loneliness is not a great risk for the man's humane attitude (and related moral topics) towards other human beings.


Language pair: French; English
Juha-Petri T.
September 2, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 2, 2005
Morality in isolation, part 4
> Are you sure they would have succeeded if they had been organizing their survivals on their own?

They would be safe from group violence, at the cost of suffering and danger because of their unskilled efforts of survival.

> I doubt it since it is always better to join forces, especially for the youngest children's interests.

This is true if the joining is not more costly than its benefits. Mobs can kill.

> I am glad that my messages cause such a controversy and I am pleased to debate with you.

I enjoy it, too. I have heard that France and Mediterranean countries have a long tradition of debate. Does it come from Greek and Roman traditions?

I apologize for the length of this quadruplet.


Language pair: French; English
Juha-Petri T.
August 31, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 2, 2005
Morality in isolation, part 3
> There is no rule at all except this: you can do everything your physical abilities allow you to do. No judgement at all.

Nature can be much harsher teacher than human beings. Part of our morality arise from natural laws and simple logic: some kinds of behavior causes us trouble or danger and must thus be avoided, even if the avoidance goes against our desires.

Laziness might be an example. If I am lazy in a society, I am immoral, because other people have to do my work. I am punished by scolding. If I live in solitude and become lazy, Nature may punish me by death. In solitude my laziness may not seem to be a moral thing, because I am alone, but the effect of laziness is the same: it endangers one or more human beings. Thus my punishment for laziness would be just an extension of the natural law, and if I want to live happily in solitude, I must carry on the diligence I learned in the society.

> The danger comes from the fact they found themselves assembled without any previous link and had to constitute new bonds

It may produce positive as well as negative results. Among children the results are often negative, because they bring their ingrained egoism with them, but have no good tools to control it. However, the solitude itself does not force them to make bad decisions. Impulse to this comes from other sources.


Language pair: French; English
Juha-Petri T.
August 31, 2005

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 2, 2005
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