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Language > Urdu
Category > Seeking Partners

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Guys! need to learn english in exchange for urdu. contact asap
need a little help guys.

Language pair: English; Urdu
Shiraz M.
January 15, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:Seeking for a Partner
We can communicate in Eng if you wish so.
I can help you out.
Send me free hi. If you are interested.


Language pair: Urdu; English
November 4, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 4, 2014
Seeking for a Partner

I am a Software Engineer by profession and going abroad for further studies. I am seeking partner to improve my English speaking skills. I can teach Urdu in exchange.


Language pair: Urdu; English
November 2, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 4, 2014
Re:need partner to teach me urdu
Hi,.I am an above average student in english but I want to upgrade my level of fluency and speak english like a native .I am searching for a partner with whom I can communicate in english ,perferably british accents but american accent will also be suitable.I will go for higher studies in U.K or U.S.A.I have the ability to translate from english to urdu .learners normally get lost without translation skill. I believe talking is the best to improve any language.for me urdu is a piece of cake owing to my mother language.I am willing to help anyone.
feel free to contact me.

Language pair: English; Urdu
July 20, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 20, 2014
Re:Would like to Learn Urdu
Hi,.I am an above average student in english but I want to upgrade my level of fluency and speak english like a native .I am searching for a partner with whom I can communicate in english ,perferably british accents but american accent will also be suitable.I will go for higher studies in U.K or U.S.A.I have the ability to translate from english to urdu .learners normally get lost without translation skill. I believe talking is the best to improve any language.for me urdu is a piece of cake owing to my mother language.I am willing to help anyone.
feel free to contact me.

Language pair: English; Urdu
July 20, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 20, 2014
Re:Re:I can teach you sindhi and urdu.. i need to practice english and french
Hi,.I am an above average student in english but I want to upgrade my level of fluency and speak english like a native .I am searching for a partner with whom I can communicate in english ,perferably british accents but american accent will also be suitable.I will go for higher studies in U.K or U.S.A.I have the ability to translate from english to urdu .learners normally get lost without translation skill. I believe talking is the best to improve any language.for me urdu is a piece of cake owing to my mother language.I am willing to help anyone.
feel free to contact me.

Language pair: English; Urdu
July 20, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 20, 2014
Re:Looking to learn Urdu!
Hi,.I am an above average student in english but I want to upgrade my level of fluency and speak english like a native .I am searching for a partner with whom I can communicate in english ,perferably british accents but american accent will also be suitable.I will go for higher studies in U.K or U.S.A.I have the ability to translate from english to urdu .learners normally get lost without translation skill. I believe talking is the best to improve any language.for me urdu is a piece of cake owing to my mother language.I am willing to help anyone.
feel free to contact me.

Language pair: Urdu; Spanish
July 20, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 20, 2014
Re:My German/ English for your Urdu
Hi,.I am an above average student in english but I want to upgrade my level of fluency and speak english like a native .I am searching for a partner with whom I can communicate in english ,perferably british accents but american accent will also be suitable.I will go for higher studies in U.K or U.S.A.I have the ability to translate from english to urdu .learners normally get lost without translation skill. I believe talking is the best to improve any language.for me urdu is a piece of cake owing to my mother language.I am willing to help anyone.
feel free to contact me.

Language pair: Urdu; German
July 20, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 20, 2014
Hi,.I am an above average student in english but I want to upgrade my level of fluency and speak english like a native .I am searching for a partner with whom I can communicate in english ,perferably british accents but american accent will also be suitable.I will go for higher studies in U.K or U.S.A.I have the ability to translate from english to urdu .learners normally get lost without translation skill. I believe talking is the best to improve any language. Feel free to message me. for me urdu is a piece of cake owing to my mother language.I am willing to help anyone.
feel free to contact me.

Language pair: Arabic, other; Urdu
July 20, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 20, 2014
Re:Re:need a english speaking partner
Hi,everyone!.I am an above average student in english but I want to upgrade my level of fluency and speak english like a native .I am searching for a partner with whom I can communicate in english ,perferably british accents but american accent will also be suitable.I will go for higher studies in U.K or U.S.A.I have the ability to translate from english to urdu .learners normally get lost without translation skill. I believe talking is the best way to improve any language.for me urdu is a piece of cake owing to my mother language.I am willing to help anyone.
feel free to contact me.

Language pair: Urdu; English
July 20, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 20, 2014
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