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Language > German
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:want to learn BAHASA INDONESIA? i'll teach you!
I(Icq/nr) would like to help you with the words in (373-) german. And i (591-) hope you can practise with me (464) my Bahasa Indonesia. (Msn) hope to hear from you SatinRubia at (msn) .com

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); German
March 17, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2007
Re:want to learn BAHASA INDONESIA? i'll teach you!
If you are still interested in learnig german i would like to teach you and i want to learn a lot about Bahasa Indonesia and the country too. Just search me on msn or skype my name is SatinRubia i hope you find it! some facts about me i'm from germany and i am a 20 years old girl.

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); German
March 17, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2007
Your Deutsch or Français... in return of my Español or English!!! =)
Hallo! Wie geht's? Ich bin Bere.. Ich komme aus Mexiko..Ich spreche Spanisch, Englisch und ein bisschen French..Ich bin achtzehn Jahre alt und Ich möchte Biomedic studieren...Was machst du?...as you can see i am pretty abeginner but i am eager to learn more...i am willing to help you with your spanish.. if you want we can also talk in english.. as you said about you.. my english is not perfect either.. but i am trying to get better every day.. i started to take german and french courses one month ago... so if you want i cant tech you spanish in exchange for german.. and well english conversations are for free hehehe.. i had the opportunity to learn english in Vancouver so i met a lot of german people.. and i'm still keeping in touch with them.. but you know i can't ask them to teach me Deutsch.. so i hope you want to.. Mach's gut! Tschüs! Gros bisous!

Language pair: German; French
Xime M.
March 9, 2007

# Msgs: 1

want to learn BAHASA INDONESIA? i'll teach you!
i'm indonesian. i want to learn deutsch. anyone wanna help? i'll teach you bahasa indonesia!

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); German
loretta o.
March 3, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2007
Re:Austausch in Deutsch -Englisch - um Spanisch zu lernen
Hello Heike,

I'm Marc and I'm glad to help u with ur Spanish. I can practice English.

If u are interested in exchanges languages, u can find my email in my profile.

See u!!

Language pair: German; English
February 24, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 24, 2007
Hi Leute, :-)
ich bin eine junge Frau aus Deutschland die sehr gerne die türkische Sprache erlernen möchte. Ich habe mir vor kurzem schon einiges von Material zum üben besorgt, doch ich würde mich über Mithilfe sehr darüber freuen. Bis dato bin ich noch Anfängerin, doch ich hoffe das ich in einigen Wochen schon so einiges gelernt habe. Vielleicht kann ich jemanden auch bei der deutschen Sprache helfen, oder es hilft mir einer halt nur so aus Freude.

Ich liebe diese Sprache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Na, meldest DU Dich bei mir? :->

Language pair: German; Turkish
February 19, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 1, 2007
Austausch in Deutsch -Englisch - um Spanisch zu lernen
yo busco la genta por la aprender espanol. I will help you with English oder ich helfe euch in Deutsch. you can send me a privat message if you follow the link to profile. I am not a gold member.

Ich werde dieses Jahr nach Suedamerika reisen und will mein Spanish verbessern.

Hasta luege, Bis dann, Cu Heike

Language pair: German; English
February 13, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 24, 2007
Hi Alyce... i'm from england and have studied german for nearly 8 years now and still improving to become fluent. If there is anything you would like to know like the basics such as how to make simple conversation, count, etc then give me a bell i'm happy to help :)

Language pair: Lithuanian; German
February 12, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 24, 2007
and how do you know persan?I can help you with it.

Language pair: German; Chinese, Mandarin
Leila g.
February 5, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 5, 2007
hello :)
hey, im a fifteen year old girl from scotland. I really wanna talk to someone in german so i can become better do well in my exams and just talk anywaaay.. read my profile i like music, hanging out with friends and going to see movies :) talk later!

Language pair: English; German
Holly H.
January 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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