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Language > German
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Guten Tag! Christina i can help you with spanish if you help me with german!
you can write me to: gidel_stab(alt+64)hotm... you know my msn.


Language pair: German; French
Enav A.
November 8, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Want to learn Spanish
Hi Im gidel kolya (rare name I know) I speak spanish so you can make me any questions. Im more or less good in english.
By the way a suggestion: you can ask to a gold member to contact you for help you contact with the other who reply you but as you aren`t gold members.

Language pair: German; French
Enav A.
October 20, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:to all of you!
you can ask a gold member to contact you for help you contact to the other who are not a gold members.

Language pair: German; French
Enav A.
October 20, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hey , I want to learn english!

I'll help

Language pair: German; English
October 17, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:teach me german or portugues for english
hi Becca! we can talk in portuguese and english ..i´m not a gold member, so please leave a message if you want.
see ya Fernanda

Language pair: Portuguese; German
September 9, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Witam Bernadette!
Jak ci sie powodzi? Mowie tylko troche polski.
So we need to talk in English. Sure, I'd like to help you with German. What do you want to know?
You should try deutsch-als-fremdsprache.de.
Do rychlego zobaczenia

Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
September 6, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2005
Hello Exchanger05!

"Does Anyone want help in german? I would like to help you." is "Sucht jemand Hilfe in Deutsch? Ich würde Dir/Euch gern helfen." in German.

Hope I could help you

Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
September 2, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2005
Hi Jen!
Here´s the translations you asked for:
melden: to report (to), to answer (the phone)
verheerend: disastrous
befürchten: to fear, to be scared (of),
Behörden: authorities, administrativ body
weitgehend: considerable, largely
Aufführungen: performances
absagen: to withdraw, to cancel, to call off, to turn down, to cry off, to decline
Erkenntniss: knowledge, recognition, insight, realization
Sprengsatz: explosiv charge
Kinderarmut: children´s poverty
Hope I could help you.


Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
August 30, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Who can do me a favour.
Hi Alex!
This is Maggie from Germany.
I actually want to learn Romanian but you don´t need to worry.
Just give me your questions and I will reply.


Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
August 30, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Someone plase help me
This is Maggie. I was born in Germany and I still live here so I already spent my whole life speaking German. Due to that I think I could help you.
Actually I want to exchange romanian but you don´t need to worry.
Just dare to ask if you want to know something.
Which country and town/village are you from?


Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
August 30, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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