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Language > Czech
Category > Seeking Partners

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for english/czech
I´m student, I´m looking for somebody for language exchange. I would like to improve my english. Is there somebody who is interested in exchange for english/czech?

Language pair: Czech; English
July 23, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 18, 2014
exchange for english/czech
I´m student from Prague, I´m looking for somebody for language exchange. I would like to improve my english. Is there somebody who is interested in exchange for english/czech?

Language pair: Czech; English
July 23, 2010

# Msgs: 1


Language pair: Czech; Italian
Grazia B.
May 15, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 7, 2013
American man looking for Czech language partner
My name is Owyn Higgin. I am American and would like to learn Czech, I will be in Prague in two months and would like to maje my way around. Please help as I can help you with English. i have many hobbies and activities that I love so we will have much to talk about!

Language pair: English; Czech
Owyn H.
May 10, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Making friends
Hi! I am an Chinese woman living in Prague ,Czech Republic,and looking for people who are willing to speak with me both in Czech and English .My English is not very good but more advanced than Czech, I hope to practice more daily czech with local friends. I am not teacher but I think that I can help you to learn Chinese language in return. I will be happy if somebody reply. Thanks

Katherine Chang

Language pair: Czech; Chinese, Mandarin
Katherine C.
April 8, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Making friends
Hi! I am an Chinese woman living in Prague ,Czech Republic,and looking for people who are willing to speak with me both in Czech and English .My English is not very good but more advanced than Czech, I hope to practice more daily czech with local friends. I am not teacher but I think that I can help you to learn Chinese language in return. I will be happy if somebody reply. Thanks

Language pair: Czech; Chinese, Mandarin
Katherine C.
April 8, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:Looking for a native english speaker who's interested in czech language or culture.
Hi Petr,

I am new here but interested in learning some basic Czech. Are you still keen to practice your English? I'm from Australia if that helps.

Let me know if you are and we'll see what we can arrange.


Language pair: Czech; English
April 6, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 6, 2010
multi -lingual
I am over 30 fan of languages and traveling interested in skype conversations in French,Deutch ,Italien,Spanish .I like climbing the rocks around the World and making frieds

Language pair: Czech; French
dan s.
January 17, 2010

# Msgs: 1

wanna practice
Hi,I'm Thai student.now ,I'm learning Czech in liberc.I wanna practice Czech.if anyone interest Thai,i will practice your as well

Language pair: Thai; Czech
P. N.
October 14, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:I want to learn czech

Je suis française, j'ai 26 ans. Je souhaite apprendre le Tchèque. Je peux aider en français et un peu en anglais.

A bientôt.

Language pair: French; Czech
October 7, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 7, 2009
Total found: 108 !
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