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Category > Vacations/Travels

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Meet new friends

I love traveling and making new friends all around the world.. I am originally from a small country Maldives.. Have travelled to Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, Emirates, Kenya and Tanzania.. Loved learning the culture from the locals ..

In January I will be in Paris & Amsterdam for work .. But I am hoping to make some friends there to meet up..

Hope I get to ..

Language pair: English; French
November 28, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:looking for new friends all over the world
Hi Catherine,
I read your message and it interested me that you are in Paris and are looking to travel to other cities and countries. I am Scottish and am now back living in Scotland but have been visited many countries including Australia, Hong Kong, Macau, Kenya, Canaries, Spain but I have only visited France briefly for a day trip to Boulogne.
I have never been to Russia but as I love travelling, beautiful locations and exgiting culures,I believe I would really enjoy St Petersburg.
There are many other places and civilisations, historical and modern which I will visit in the future and a friend to explore them with would be wonderful.

I do know some friends who i go travelling with but as I think that you will agree, in life we can never have too many friends.

I would also liketo learn how to speak another language properly, but everytime I start to learn one, there has always been other more important things to attend to, this time I am determined to learn French. Hopefully with help from some-one like yourself I will succeed this time.

i look forward to hearing from you in the near future and send you my best wishes in your search for friends from over the world,

Best wishes


Language pair: English; French
November 25, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 25, 2014
looking for new friends all over the world
Hi, I'm a french woman, 49.I travel a lot with my daughter who is 13 all over the world.It is a passion to discover new cultures.We are interesting by Russian culture .St Pétersbourg is a very beautiful town.We have already visited twice.I can help You in french and to visit Paris.Catherine

Language pair: French; English
October 25, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 25, 2014
Visiting Dublin for one week in october (22th-28th)
Hi, I will be in Dublin from 22th to 28th of october.
I am looking for some free people to make me visit Dublin, speak french, english, japanese or Korean.

Language pair: French; English
October 20, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Hi Everyone,
I will be in Bruxelles at the beginning of October,then from 4th or 5th I wanted to travel from there to some European capital by myself, any suggestion or tips?
I was thinking in Amsterdam or Berlin. How is the weather for this time?
Could you suggest me some "must" highlights or excursions?

Thanks in advance :)

Language pair: English; French
Laura L.
September 19, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Traveling to Paris in 2 weeks. Looking for A French Lesson- I Speak English
j'aimerais bien connetre la france

Language pair: English; French
komla bernard s.
September 6, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2014
Re:who wants learn Armenian?
hallo my dear.i would like to learne your language.i speack french too

Language pair: English; French
komla bernard s.
September 6, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2014
who wants learn Armenian?
Hello,my name is Liana,i am from Armenia,i want improve my french and english,i can help with Armenian,anyone wants,just let me know,i will wait

Language pair: English; French
Liana A.
September 2, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2014
Re:Traveling to Paris in 2 weeks. Looking for A French Lesson- I Speak English
Hi! I would help you with pleasure! En quelque jour tu pourras apprendre comment te débrouiller à Paris ;-)

Language pair: English; French
August 5, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 6, 2014
Re:Holidays in Ireland
Hi Alex, I realise this reply may be a little late, but I've just joined the site. I'm Irish and would be glad to help you with any information you might need, and to help you with Irish expressions.

Language pair: English; French
July 17, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 17, 2014
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