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Language > Romanian
Category > Seeking Partners

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I want to learn Swahili!!! HELP?!!!
HI! I would really want to learn Swahili Language. Can someone help me, please?!! Thank you

Language pair: Romanian; English
January 5, 2010

# Msgs: 1

looking for Romanian language partner
I am a regular member of this forum. Need help in learning Romanian language, can help others with English. Please contact me.

Language pair: Romanian; 
December 30, 2009

# Msgs: 1

i'm from romania and i want to learn better french.if u want i can teach u romainian.

Language pair: Romanian; 
micaela n.
December 12, 2009

# Msgs: 1

I want an italian language speaker
Hello.I'm romanian women,but I live in Italy.I can understand but I can't speak italian.So I need an italian speaker who wants to learn romanian language.

Language pair: Romanian; Italian
Ramona C.
October 13, 2009

# Msgs: 1


Salut, c´est Leandro, je suis natif du Bresil, j´aimerais améliorer mon français et anglais et commencer à apprendre le roumanian. Je peux enseigner le Portugais à tous.

A plus !

Language pair: Romanian; French
August 5, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 8, 2009
Looking for Norwegian speakers
Hi. I am Alexandra and I am from Romania. This year I was with a scholarship in Norway and I would like to practice Norwegian. I can teacj you English or Romanian

Language pair: Romanian; Norwegian
June 27, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Hebrew learning.
Can anyone help me with hebrew?...I would gladly exchance with english and spanish and romanian....Thank u.

Language pair: Romanian; English
June 18, 2009

# Msgs: 1

i want to learn finnish
hello!i'm ana and i'm from romania.anyone interested in learning romanian?i want to learn finnish.can anyone help?

Language pair: Romanian; English
anusca a.
April 5, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Willst du rumaenisch lernen?
Hallo.Ich bin 22 (Man) und komme aus rumaenien.Ich konnte dich rumaenisch lernen auf deutsch.ich wurde mein deutsch uben und du wurdest rumaenisch lernen.ich warte fuer antworten.Tchuss

Language pair: Romanian; German
Andrei T.
March 5, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:je recherche de l'aide pour parler Roumain!

Moi je peux t'aider avec le Roumain si tu veux. Moi non plus je ne suis goldmbr. Mon m s n c'est aniela 2010 a hot mail. Sans espaces c'est compris ;o). J'espere que ca marche.


Language pair: French; Romanian
February 11, 2009

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 11, 2009
Total found: 141 !
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