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Category > Cooking and Recipes

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Re:Ensalada russia
Hola Amélie! Me llamo Marta y soy española. Te puedo dar la receta de la ensalada rusa y muchas más! ¿Te interesa? Por cierto, si quieres puedo ayudarte con el español (y catalán), a mi me gustaría aprender francés.
Dime que recetas quieres que te las envío.
Hasta pronto!!

Language pair: French; Spanish
marta f.
March 28, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 28, 2008
i like to know well
HI im vincent from Tanzania i like to know well english aand frech
if you read for this pls help me.

Language pair: English; French
manyara m.
March 21, 2008

# Msgs: 1

la recette du risotto ai funchi porcini
Je suis à la recherche d'une bonne recette de risotto aux cèpes.

Si vous en avez une, n'hésitez pas à me la communiquer je me ferais un plaisir de l'essayer.

Merci d'avance...

Language pair: French; 
February 22, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Irish cook
my family is also irish. try this recipe for irish stew.

1 large potatoe

3 large potatoes cut into chunks about 1 inch

3 large carrots cut into pieces (about 1 inch long)

2 parsnips cut into pieces (about one inch long)
* parsnips are somewhat starchy and almost tart at first, so for a sweeter taste cook the day before

add samller potatoes as desired.

1 package of stew meat

salt and pepper as desired

let cook in crockpot
1)brown meat in bottom of crockpot (about 45 minutes)
2) add vegatibles
*add water or beef broth so the vegatables/meat dont burn or dr out.

let this cook for about 6 hours and then enjoy. happy eating

Language pair: French; English
February 17, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 17, 2008
Re:Irish cook
My Family is irish, and we have a great family recipe for irish soda bread, if you'd like to try it..

500g wholemeal flour

1 and a half tsp salt

1 and a half tsp bicarbonate of soda

500ml buttermilk

A handful of oatbran and wheatgerm

Mix together ingredients into dough, then flatten to about 2 inches and score.

200°C for 30 / 35 minutes.

Sorry that the recipe is so brief! Hope it helps.

Language pair: French; English
February 16, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 17, 2008
Re:Cuisine française or british recipes

Je suis française et j'aime beaucoup cuisiner. Je vous propose une recette de cake de ma grand-mère. Très facile, il suffit de mèlanger tous les ingrédients et mettre au four...

Il vous faut :
- 2 tasses à thé (15cl) de farine
- 6 oeufs
_ 5 cuillères à soupe de beurre
- 1 tasses à thé de gruyère rapé
- sel
- 1 sachet de levure
- 3 cuillère à café de moutarde
- jambon
- 1/2 bol de persil

Mélanger tout.
Verser dans un moule à cake.
Faire cuire 40 minutes 180 ou 200°C
Piquer avec un couteau, si il ressort propre, c'est cuit. Si il y a du cake dessus, laisser cuire.
(Se régaler)

A bientôt!

Si une recette française vous intéresse, ne pas hésiter à demander...

Language pair: English; French
February 8, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 8, 2008
Irish cook
I'm searching Irish recipes.

Does someone help me ?

I can share French recipes


Language pair: French; English
January 29, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 17, 2008
Re:Re:irish or spanish
H Mac,
Do you have others recipes to share ?
I can give you French recipes
See you

Language pair: English; French
January 29, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Ensalada russia
Hola!colgante un jornada educacional a España ( salamanca ) Comía una " ensalada Rusia " y siempre desde Soy aspecto por ( infructuoso ) ella fórmula gracias acerca de su ayuda!

Language pair: French; Spanish
November 8, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 28, 2008
Re:quiche lorraine recipe please!
You can find original recipes on internet. I can't give you here examples of webpages, because my answer wouldn't be published.

I try to translate the one I found :
Ingredients - 6 persons
- 200g wheat flour
- 100g butter
- 4 eggs
- 1 bowl of fresh cream
- 250 g diced bacon
- salt
- pepper
- a little bit of netmug

One thing very important : never put cheese in a real quiche lorraine!

- Mix the flour with the butter, a little bit of salt and a little bit of water until the pastry stick no more on your fingers. If it is too soft, put some flour more. Leave this pastry to rest. Garnish a pie dish with it.

- Cut the diced bacon in pieces and cook these diced bacon.

- Beat the eggs as for an omelette, add the cream, put salt and pepper, a little bit of netmug.

- Put in this blend your diced bacon.

- Pour this blend in the tart.

- Cook on a gentle heat for 20 to 30 minutes.

Bon appétit !

Language pair: English; French
August 20, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 20, 2007
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