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Language > Czech
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:Looking for a Penpal
Hi Kyle,
I am from Czech Republic but I am also fluent in German. Maybe we can help each other. Regards Daniel

Language pair: Czech; German
October 23, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 23, 2008
Looking for a Penpal
Hi, I'm Kyle, and I'm looking for a pen pal who can help me learn the Czech language, or German. I know some Czech, but not very much. I know more German than Czech. In return I could help you with your English if you wanted.

Thanks :]

Language pair: Czech; German
Kyle C.
October 8, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 23, 2008
Re:Looking for penpals
hi Klara,

I wanna learn czech.. please contact me on gtalk at frozenlove . That is my gmail id.

Language pair: Czech; English
August 14, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 14, 2008
Re:Looking for penpals
Hello Klara,
I can help you in english. You can contact me on yahoo gtalk at subhash981

Language pair: Czech; English
August 9, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 14, 2008
Re:Looking for penpals
Hi Klara,
I've been looking for a while for someone who could help me with Czech :]

English is my native language, so I could help you improve yours if you needed, although, I've never taught anybody.

But I'm not A Gold Member, so I can't contact you right now

Kyle :)

Language pair: Czech; English
Kyle C.
August 8, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 14, 2008
Looking for penpals
Hello everyone!
My name is Klara and I'm looking for penpals who are interested in learning some Czech. I'd like to practise my English, German and Russian. Don't hesitate to contact me =)

Language pair: Czech; English
Klara S.
August 8, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 14, 2008
Looking for a penpal
I'm looking for a penpal that can help me learn the Czech language. I'll help you with your english if you want

Thanks :)

Language pair: English; Czech
Kyle C.
August 5, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Czech x English
I'm interested in Czech but I don't know any at all. I met some Czech girls and want to talk to them but its very hard!

Language pair: Czech; English
July 8, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 8, 2008
Czech x English

my name is Slavka, I am looking for an English speaking partner who is interested in Czech. I would like to improve my English and would love to help you with your Czech. Anyone who needs any translation write too. I accept pen pals, text chatters and also Skype which I am a little afraid of because my English is not perfect but maybe this is the best form how to improve something :-)

Language pair: Czech; English
July 3, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 8, 2008
I would like to learn czech
hi,My name is Kathy.I'm Thai girl and I live in Most.My friend language is Thai,lao and English is my second one.If anyone would like to learn Thai,Lao and English, i can teach you and i need to make friend to learn Czech.Unfortunately,I'm not gold member but we can contact by msn or skype.Please contact me.I wait you friend!

Language pair: Czech; English
kathy p.
June 11, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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