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Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
hi pascaline

i think we're talking about two slightly different things here. what you say it's entirealy correct and i forgot about that case of use of the "-". in your case ti is the short form of iti and the - comes after it ti-au. in this case the - marks a link in pronounciation. you pronounce the two particles together as one word.
i was talking about cases where you put the - in front of the pronoun to mark the lack of a letter like in stead of si iti you say si-ti.
and yes there is a rule for that.
you know romanian very well from what i see :o). but if you ever need any help or have any questions... don't hesitate
ai grija de tine

Language pair: English; Romanian
September 14, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
buna maggie

multumesc pentru recomandare. ti-am lasat un measj pe forum. sfarsitul meu de saptamana a fost obositor, si nici cel care vine nu pare mai bun. al tau cum a fost? sper sa putem vorbi curand prin email.
ai grija

Language pair: German; Romanian
September 14, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
Buna Aniela!
Multumesc mult pentru corectura ta.
Cum a fost sfirsitul tau saptamana? Sper sa-ti face mult placere.
Trebuie sa te uiti deutsch-als-fremdsprache.de.
Ce zici?
Ai grija

Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
September 13, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian

Yes the 2 forms have different meanings, I used them to show that for example, in that case if we use the past tense îti ... becomes ti-... so the "-" sign is used. I was wondering if that was the "-" sign your were talking about.
But I think you were asking if there was a kind of rule telling us when we can replace a letter by the "-" sign and use the reduced pronoun?


Language pair: English; Romanian
September 12, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian

yes i mean the "-" as used with the pronouns and the verbs.
but in your example the two forms don't match "iti dau ceva" means either i'm giving you smth or they're giving you smth (the form's the same for both persons). "ti-au dat ceva" means they gave you smth (as in the past)
what i wanted to say rather is that the "-" can replace a letter. for example you can say
"si iti dau ceva", which is a bit long and not very fluent, but in common speech you'd rather say "si-ti dau ceva" which is the same, just the "i" replaced by the "-".

ai grija de tine

Language pair: English; Romanian
September 11, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
buna maggie,

si mie imi pare foarte rau ca nu sunt gold member. ai cateva mici greseli ;o). " am incercat sa-ti trimit adresa mea de email. dar n-au pus (sau afisat) mesajul meu. asa ca trebuie sa utilizam calea asta sa stam de vorba".

ai grija de tine

Language pair: German; Romanian
September 11, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
Buna Aniela!
Imi pare rau foarte mult dar nu-s un gold member. Am incercat sa te trimit adresa mea de email. Dar n-au puneat mesajul meu.
Asa trebuie sa utilizam drumul asta sa stam de vorba.
Te rog spune-mi daca am facut greseli (si mici greseli).
Ai grija de tine

Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
September 10, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
Do you mean the "=" with pronoums and verbs? such as:
îti deau ceva -> ti-au dat ceva
mi-e foame

Language pair: English; Romanian
September 10, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:a few questions about romanian
buna Maggie

i'd be glad to help you practice romanian. unfortunately i'm not a gold member so i can't contact you. but if you can please don't hesitate.

ai grija de tine si pe curand

Language pair: German; Romanian
September 6, 2005

# Msgs: 14
Latest: September 14, 2005
Re:Re:How does Romanian read english names
Te salut Cristian!
Vrei sa ma ajuti sa invat romaneste?
Din pacate nu vorbesc ruseste destul de mult sa te ajut.
Dar as vrea sa te ajut cu Germana sau Engleza.
Ai grija pe tine si poate pe curand

Language pair: German; Romanian
Magrit B.
September 5, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 5, 2005
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