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Language > Romanian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Re:Re:How can i say
yes you are right.unfortunately i don't have special characters on my computer. but to be entirely correct you must have a "comma" under the t in poti as well.
i don't come very often(about 2 times a week) on the site, but if i can help you with anything please let me know.
take care

Language pair: Italian; Romanian
June 9, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 9, 2004
Re:Romanian to English... It's a matter of life and death.
well it's not a very clear romanian. a possible translation would be: i didn't know bro.tonight.tonight it's not possible. tomorrow it's not possible,i don't know when it will be possible. did you understand?

Language pair: English; Romanian
June 9, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:How can i say
I'm learning Romanian and, as far as I know, this sentence is to be written: "poti sã mã suni", isn't it?

Language pair: Italian; Romanian
Michele B.
June 6, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 9, 2004
Re:How can i say
poti sa ma suni? that is how you say "can you call me?"
hope it's helpful

Language pair: English; Romanian
May 26, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 9, 2004
Re:this could be naughty! ha ha
weel you got it right.it's very naughty(to say the least).
a rough translation would be "eat my dick " and "drink what comes out of my dick after you eat it".
hope he didn' t quite mean it.
take care

Language pair: English; Romanian
April 24, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:How to say
nu stiu cum se spune salvie in japoneza dar in engleza este SAGE. cu variantele "garden sage" pentru salvie de gradina si "meadow sage" pentru salvie de camp.
sper ca te ajuta.

Language pair: English; Romanian
February 26, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:basic romanian apologetics
Hi.My name is Aniela and if you need any help in Romanian I'll be glad to help.

Language pair: Romanian; All
December 27, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Help!!! Any Romanian people here who can help me?
I have the answer for you. "Sheet" in romanian is "cearsaf".

Language pair: Romanian; English
Adrian G.
April 3, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 3, 2003
Re:If anyone is intrested in Roumanian
Hi!!! there just posted an add about Roumanian!!! I'm doing a work for school, I'm studying roman languages (French-Spanish) at university and I have to compare the roman languages...I have to know the romanian word for sheet (not the paper, but what you put on your bed), in French this is 'drap de lit' in German 'Bettücher', hope you can help me!!!

Thanks a lot in advance!!!


Greet from Belgium

Language pair: Romanian; German
Greet V.
March 5, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Help!!! Any Romanian people here who can help me?
Hi all!! I'm studying roman languages (French-Spanish) and I have to do a work about comparing roman languages... I need to know the romanian word for 'sheet' (not the paper, but what you put on your bed) or in French 'drap de lit'... Anyone who can help???
Please let me know...
Greet from Belgium!!!

Thank you soooooooo very much all!!!

Language pair: English; Romanian
Greet V.
March 5, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 3, 2003
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