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Vacations/Travels - Holiday in Normandy - Language Exchange

Category: Vacations/Travels
Discussion: Holiday in Normandy

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# Message Posted By
Holiday in Normandy
Hello, I'm lorenzo from italy and I'm coming to Normandy in April to visit it. Any suggestions on places to see? I'm already thinking about Arromanches, Omaha beach, Bayeux, Cane, Mont Saint Michel and obviously Honfleur, Fecamp....any other ideas?
A french speaking would be really welcome:)

Language pair: French; English
March 14, 2007

Re:Holiday in Normandy
salut, i'm wanda, from malaysian. i want learn french, can speaking to people, when i travels...

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 104397
March 22, 2007


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