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Seeking Partners - looking for hindi tandem in berlin - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: looking for hindi tandem in berlin

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looking for hindi tandem in berlin
hi there, i'm 38 years old and live in berlin. i have started to learn hindi and am looking for natives who speak hindi at home and among their friends regularily. if you are willing to help me learn hindi, i could possibly help you learn german. i'm basically looking for people in berlin.

Language pair: Hindi; All
March 17, 2007

Re:looking for hindi tandem in berlin
Hi Sunflower!!!
I am a delhi based Journalist,writer and news editor. I wd like to teach you Hindi. If you are interested please write me. I am not a gold member so you have to contact me.otherwise you can contact me at gmail and i will be there as mrjanooji
Hope to see you soon
Yours neil

Language pair: Hindi; German
This is a reply to message # 104627
March 24, 2007


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