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Seeking Partners - anyone needs help in english/tamil/malay?? ^^^ seeking pen pal - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: anyone needs help in english/tamil/malay?? ^^^ seeking pen pal

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anyone needs help in english/tamil/malay?? ^^^ seeking pen pal
hello.. i m a 19 year old girl from malaysia and i speak english,malay(bahasa malaysia) and tamil fluently.. i am currently learning hindi and spanish... and am willing to teach if anyone needs hepl in english,malay or tamil... even if u cant help me in return, i m also willing to learn any other language! .... n yes, i am also seeking for pen pals from anywhere!.. lol... u can contact me at my html account... using my as written as the username.. ok.. thx in advance!

Language pair: Spanish; Hindi
April 17, 2007


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