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Slang/Expressions - I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me? - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?

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I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?
I am 24 years old and live in the United States. I am trying to learn a little bit of German before I go to Germany. If there is anyone who can help me learn German I would be glad to help them learn English!

Language pair: German; English

June 3, 2007

Re:I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?
Hello my name is Anna, I'm 21 years old and life in salzburg city. I can you learn german, can you speak a little bit german? Where are you from, and why do you like learn german?

Hallo mein Name ist Anna, Ich bin 21 Jahre alt und lebe in der Salzburg Stadt. Ich kann dir Deutsch lernen, kannst du ein bisschen deutsch? Woher kommst du, und warum willst du Deutsch lernen

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110875
June 4, 2007

Re:I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?
This are same important sentences which you can use in Austria.

Where ist the next bus stop? Wo ist die nächste Bushaltestelle?

Where can i find this sightseeing? Wo kann ich diese Sehenswürdigkeit finden?

How late is it? Wie spät ist es?

Where is the next toilet? Wo ist das nächste WC?

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110875
June 4, 2007

Re:I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?
Hi angie,
i would like to help you, i come from germany ^^

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110875
June 4, 2007

Re:I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?
yes, I can you help but not a goldmember you? I'm German

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110875

June 4, 2007

Re:I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?
hey angie, i could help you learning german...
unfortunately i aint no goldmember..
just gotta find a way to contact ;)
holla, R

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110875
most famous R
June 4, 2007

Re:I am English and would like to learn German... can you help me?
Hi angie,
ich bin 22jahre alt und komme von Deutschland.Ich könnte dir helfen die deutsche Sprache zu erlernen.Vielleicht kannst du mir helfen englisch zu lernen.Muss Englisch lernen für einen neuen beruf.Würde freuen wenn du antwortest.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 110875
June 12, 2007


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