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Slang/Expressions - People with Gold, help me translate this... - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: People with Gold, help me translate this...

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# Message Posted By
People with Gold, help me translate this...
I would not be able to contact you as I am a regular member, but those with Gold membership could surely help me.

I am looking for localization of these greetings that go on our site. I need it for every spoken language of the world. I would welcome one and all to send me the localization in their local language. Please mention the language to avoid confution. Here are the greetings on the left and a short discription on the right in (bracket) to help you understand the requirement:

Welcome - (as when a member is welcomed to a site)

Hi What do you own? - (as in what you have, material goods like car, phone etc.)

What do you want? - (as in what you need cell phone, jeans, etc)

Add Friends - (as in get your friends to join this site)

Got something to say? - (this is the line for the message board section)

Ask - (the section for 'ask a question here')

Answer - (the section to get answers for question asked)

Read – (as for read the questions asked and answered)

Hey <name>, can you help <member name> with this - (this line goes in the email to member asking them to come on the site and help another member by replying to their questions asked)

Find a group to join - (this line goes on the groups search page)

Please people help me...

Language pair: English; - Other -

July 6, 2007

Re:People with Gold, help me translate this...
Welcome -»¶Ó­
Hi What do you own?-àË£¬ÄãÓеãʲô£¿
What do you want?-ÄãÏëҪʲô£¿
Add Friends-ÑûÇëÅóÓÑ
Got something to say?-ÏëÒª·¢ÑÔ£¿
Read ?-ÔĶÁ£¿
Hey , can you help with this -ÄãÄÜ°ï¸öæÂð£¿
Find a group to join -¼ÓÈëС×é

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; - Other -
This is a reply to message # 113346

July 8, 2007

Re:People with Gold, help me translate this...
This is the Romanian translation:
(In brackets you have the plural/ formal form)

Welcome - Bine ai (aþi) venit!
Hi, What do you own? - Salut, ce obiecte deþii (deþineþi)? [Literally: What objects do you possess]
What do you want? - Ce doreºti (doriþi)?
Add Friends - Adaugã (adãugaþi) prieteni
Got something to say? - Ai (aveþi) ceva de spus?
Ask - Întreabã (întrebaþi)
Answer - Rãspuns(rãspunsuri)
Read – Citeºte (citiþi)
Hey , can you help with this - Hei, poþi (puteþi) sã dai (daþi) ajutor relativ la acest subiect?
Find a group to join - Gãseºte (gãsiþi) un grup în care sã te (vã) înscrii (înscrieþi).

You can use the informal variant if it is about a website for fun, teens, computers etc (casual stuff) but if it is for professionals (doctors, engineers, banks etc) you should the formal variant (replace the word before the left parenthesis with its content).

Language pair: English; Romanian
This is a reply to message # 113346

August 19, 2007


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