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Slang/Expressions - what to say to "thank you"? - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: what to say to "thank you"?

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what to say to "thank you"?
About this questions I asked a lot of people and I read a lot. But I´m not satisfied with the answers. In German it is easy. If somebody says "Danke", you answer "Bitte schön", "gern geschehen" usw. In english you answer, if anyone says "thank you" with "you´re welcome". I have problems with this answer and definition and it won´t really get over my tongue, because "you´re welcome" has in German a complete other meaning. Is it now only a problem "in my head", because it is very kind oder does it means "no problem, no theme" or how can you explain this in other comprehensible words?? Do you have similar alternatives? Maybe it is an expression in only a few regions of english-speaking areas? Who can inform me about this expression?? Thanks a lot and best regards, Marion

Language pair: German; English

August 7, 2007

Re:what to say to
Hi Marion. I'm English and I don't speak any German, but hopefully you will find this useful. You're welcome is used in all English speaking areas and it always makes sense as a reply to 'thank you'. It's correct! There aren't really any alternatives, but if you do something for someone you could say 'don't worry about it' or 'it was nothing' in reply to them saying thank you. It would mean that it wasn't any trouble for you to do. I would probably advise you to just say you're welcome as its much more simple!

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 115671
August 9, 2007


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