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Practice Tips - i need English partner - Language Exchange

Category: Practice Tips
Discussion: i need English partner

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# Message Posted By
i need English partner
hello every body, i am 21 years old, studying applied English in the university,i find that i need to improve my english through practicing it with native speakers, i hope that i will find someone that are willing to be my partner, i also can help u with arabic . this is my mother language.thx

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English

August 22, 2007

Re:i need English partner
I was just looking at this site and looking who would be able to halp me with arabic a bit... I'm trying to learn it, but there are not too many teachers :) I saw your message and I thought maybe... find me on jukejuke7

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
This is a reply to message # 116648
August 23, 2007

Re:Re:helloo lina....
thank u very much 4 ur reply, it was so kind to you to help me with English, i just want u to provide me information about how to contact u. we could make it in the msn . i am willing to teach u arabic but i dont understand what did u mean by (find me on jukejuke7 ) so plz send me full details. thx again:)))) i am not a gold member....

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
This is a reply to message # 116717

August 24, 2007


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