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Seeking Partners - I want to learn English! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: I want to learn English!

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# Message Posted By
I want to learn English!
Hi.I am looking for someone who can improve my English. I can teach you czech. I am 40 y. old w., from Czech Republ.

Language pair: English; Czech
February 19, 2007

Re:I want to learn English!
HI Milena!!

My name is JJ and I'm 17 yrs old. I live in the U.S.A. and can help you with your English if you would like. I'd love to learn Czech; it always fascinated me but no one teaches here. I am not a gold member so if you are interested please contact me here.

Language pair: English; Czech
This is a reply to message # 102149
February 19, 2007

Re:I want to learn English!
My name is Michelle and I'm 25 years old. I am currently in the Czech Republic (Praha) and I need to improve my Czech. I would be more than happy to help you out with your English. I also teach Middle Eastern Dance (Orientalni Tanec) if you are interested. Just let me know if you want to meet up...Na shledaou!

Language pair: English; Czech
This is a reply to message # 102149
March 1, 2007

Re:I want to learn English!

I am doing research on my ancestors. My father was born in Czechloslovkia in 1909 in a place called Nizni Sinever according to the records I have. Do you know where Nizni Sinever is located? Is this a city or town? Is the name spelled correctly?

Jack from USA

Language pair: English; Czech
This is a reply to message # 102149

August 26, 2007


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