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Sports - Does anyone play volleyball - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Does anyone play volleyball

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Does anyone play volleyball
Hi... salut...hola!!
I would love to talk to someone (hopefully who speaks french or spanish) about volleyball. I play for my university here in the U.S. and I was wondering if there was anyone else out there who plays competitively?

Language pair: French; Spanish
June 8, 2008

Re:Does anyone play volleyball

My name is ruben, from Spain, I can help you, but I don´t speak french and I need practicase and learm english. I love sport and I practic Beach-Volley on summer time. I used play handball, It is no more well-known in yur country.
So If you want... let me know
I am not a golden menber but I use msn (rubenfinlandia...) and skype

Talk to you soon

Mi nombre es Ruben, soy español y necesito mejorar, aprender, practicar mi ingles, asi que si quieres... hazmelo saber.
No soy mienbro de oro, pero podemos contactar por msn o skype.
hablamos pronto

Language pair: French; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 133727
June 9, 2008


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