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Sports - what is soccer ? - Language Exchange

Category: Sports
Discussion: what is soccer ?

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what is soccer ?
What is soccer ? As far as I know in England and across the world it is called FOOTBALL . Football is something you play with your feet and ball control, American football you pick the ball up with your HANDS and run with it ?. Where is the word SOCCER in the governing body FIFA and UEFA ? It is and will always be FOOTBALL and not media hype America way soccer . Sorry will get of my soap box now ..

Language pair: English; German
August 7, 2008

Re:what is soccer ?
Hi Gary
Sorry but I don´t understand what you mean. Why do you angry about the word soccer? Í don´t see the problem.

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 137831
August 24, 2008

Re:what is soccer ?
Hey gary, I get your problem and why you are confused/mad. As a football player living in the USA, it is a little bit difficult to have to use soccer everyday instead of football. Since American football is more popular than football they decided to make another name for it. Here, it is a big deal, when you tell them that you play football, they will think you play American football. It is truly sad, how America has to be different then everyone else. They change the name of a very important game and they don't even use the metric system. Oh how I'm proud to be an American....

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 137831
September 12, 2008

Hi Martin
you´re from the usa and football(soocer) is not so popular there. Do you like football? I mean it´s strange to see so many people from america who like football(soccer). I thought in america you don´t watch sport like this.
I love this kind of sport. It is a great game.
bye Janine

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 140078
September 14, 2008


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