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142804 |
looking for a english speaker friend!!
Hi my name is Nathalie and I`m from Germany. I would like to find new friends from the USA or Australien. You can help me with english and maybe I can help you with german. And maby we can write a little spain. I hope you write me back.
Language pair: German; English
142981 |
Re:looking for a english speaker friend!!
Hey, I am Trevor and I am from the US, to be a little more specific Montana. I was wondering if you could help me with my german in exchange for you to learn more english?
Hallo, ich heiße Trevor und ich wohne in Montana, die Vereinigten Staaten. Können Sie mich mit deutsch helfen?
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 142804
143064 |
Re:Re:looking for a english speaker friend!!
hi Trever sorry but i didn`t saw your message what are your hobbys or what can you tell me about you ...
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 142981
143193 |
Re:Re:Re:looking for a english speaker friend!!
Ich bin nuenzehn jahren alt. Ich wohne in Havre, Montana, USA, bei die Kanada. Ich würde mögen ein Architekt und wohnen in Europa. Ich liebe crosslauf rennen und wandern, und ich gehe jägern also. Ich spreche englische (natürliche!!!) und spanische, und ich bin gewesen deutsch and ungarin. ich LIEBE musik. Ich spiele die Violine und der Klavier und andere...
There is a bit about me! How was my german???
Also, what about you, what do you like to do???
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 143064
143231 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:looking for a english speaker friend!!
Hi Your geman is good i think better than my english. I love music too. I play klarinett and saxophon in a musik club. And later i will go to the USA for a year. lg Do you have ICQ?
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 143193