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Sports - I've got some problems in learning tennis!!! - Language Exchange

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Discussion: I've got some problems in learning tennis!!!

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I've got some problems in learning tennis!!!
Hello everyone!
I'm Sue Yeats from China.I really love to play tennis.But recently my hands have hurts badly.Maybe I haven't got the scientific way to play it yet.It's got me so nervous cause I don't want to get any complication at all.How should I do?You know,almost everyday I go to practise playing tennis,full of passion!I just can't help stopping it.But it hurts worse and worse.Ouch......

Language pair: English; English

November 16, 2008

Re:I've got some problems in learning tennis!!!
Hi. I also love to play tennis. I am sorry your hands are hurting from playing tennis. You did not say whether your muscles in your hands are hurting, your joints, or what.

I also had a hard time when I first started playing tennis a lot. My elbow was hurting quite a bit, even to the point where I could not play for awhile. I decided to enroll in some tennis lessons and my tennis teacher told me exactly what was wrong with my swing, and showed me how to correct it. Now I can play as much as I want with no pain. I would urge you to seek help from a tennis instructor--just a few sessions will make all the difference in what you are doing. Good luck, and enjoy the tennis! It is so much fun!

Language pair: English; English
This is a reply to message # 143987
December 4, 2008

Re:I've got some problems in learning tennis!!!
Hey so you like tennis, i love tennis. I dont play alot but i like to watch. RESPOND Back please

Language pair: English; English
This is a reply to message # 143987

December 9, 2008


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