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Sports - soccer! (futbol) - Language Exchange

Category: Sports
Discussion: soccer! (futbol)

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# Message Posted By
soccer! (futbol)
hey im a high school girl from the USA and i need to work on my Spanish for culture credit, so anyone willing to help is great.
I am a HUGE soccer fan, it is my life. we can talk about that! :D

Language pair: English; All
January 6, 2009

Re:soccer! (futbol)
Hi Lauren!
(If you addressed your message to me on the Bulletin board)
As I'm not gold member, can't initiate conversations for example on text chat. But as I saw on your profile You're not interested in chating, which is a shame.
So if you're gold member, and changed your mind, I guess we should fix a date and a time for this.
Have a nice day!

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 147187

January 7, 2009

Re:soccer! (futbol)
Hi Lauren.

I´am from Argentina, and I want to perfectly my english. If you want, we can talk about soccer or everything. Please, contact me. Patricio.

Hola Lauren,

Soy de Argentina y quisiera perfeccionar mi ingles. Si quieres, podemos hablar sobre futbol u otros temas. Por favor, contactame.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 147187
December 30, 2009


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