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Making Friends - I want to have penfriends over the world - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: I want to have penfriends over the world

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# Message Posted By
I want to have penfriends over the world
My name is Maike and I search for friends they are funny and nice.
I like it to write with peoples they are write more then five sentence...I love the english speech and I love America and the American food:-) but now, I'm slender^^. I'm good at the german ortography and good at german. I think it'd be funny to speak with somebody german who can't speak it so well. I like to speak and write english better. I have france since 3 years and I would leran spanish a bit:-)
So I'm glad about your answer.

Language pair: German; English

April 30, 2009

Re:I want to have penfriends over the world
Hi Maike, I'm spanish and I also like to meet people from other countries. I see you're german, aren't you? I've tried to learn german by myself but it's a bit difficult, so we could talk in english and also you could help me a little, what do you think =)?
But I guess you're not gold member (Neither do I) :V

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 153500

May 2, 2009


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