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Making Friends - I'm looking for new friends (expecially girls) and language partners - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: I'm looking for new friends (expecially girls) and language partners

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I'm looking for new friends (expecially girls) and language partners
Hi! My name is Vladimir. I was born in 1988, I live in Niš, study economics, and I would like to meet new people from other countries and to learn as more as it is possible foreign languages. My native language is Serbian, and I speak English (i think my level is upperintermediate), French (basic) and German (beginer). I'd like to improve those languages and to learn any other. I'm also ready to help the others to learn Serbian. We could also have so much fun.
I'm looking for new friends (expecially girls) and language partners.
I will be glad if we can contact together.
It'll be a pleasure! I hope we can talk soon.
I'm not a Gold member, so you'll need to contact me. Sorry.
I hope to hear from someone soon! :)
Please contact me if you are interested.
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes.

Language pair: German; English

May 2, 2009

Re:I'm looking for new friends (expecially girls) and language partners
hi Vladimir I'll like to be your friend if u wanna.My name is Gina Brown and I'm 17 years old.I speak English and I'll like to learn Serbian.

I'm from Jamaica and I'm not a Gold member so you'll have to contact me too.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 153590

May 4, 2009


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