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Making Friends - Hi - I am a German woman (48) and looking for penpals is english - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Hi - I am a German woman (48) and looking for penpals is english

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# Message Posted By
Hi - I am a German woman (48) and looking for penpals is english
Hi - my name is Conny , I live in Germany and I am looking for penpals in english-speaking-countries.
I can help you if you wonna learn German as well as I can tell you something about our German kultur, German living and German langauage.
I would be glad hearing from you
greetings from Germany

Language pair: German; English

July 28, 2009

Re:Hi - I am a German woman (48) and looking for penpals is english
Hello, my name is Sandy. I am from America and my native tongue is English. I'm a writer, and I love words very much. I am interested in learning German, though I only know the basics. Perhaps we could help each other. =]

Language pair: English; - Other -
This is a reply to message # 158086

July 29, 2009


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