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Slang/Expressions - French, tahitian maori! - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: French, tahitian maori!

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French, tahitian maori!
I'm from Spain. My name is Judit, and I really want to learn french. I understand this language when someone writes to me, but I need to improve my pronunciation. Somebody who helps me?! I will help you with spanish!!
Also if anyone can help me with the tahitian language... that will be great for me!!
Thank you! Mauruuru ro'a!!

Language pair: French; Maori (New Zealand Maori)
December 10, 2009

Re:French, tahitian maori!
Bonjour, ma langue maternelle est le français et je serais contente de t'aider pour la prononciation ou l'écrit. Si en retour tu peux m'aider en espagnole ? (je ne parle pas 1 mot d'espagnol)

Language pair: French; Maori (New Zealand Maori)
This is a reply to message # 164481

December 21, 2009


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