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Making Friends - suche De zu lernen,,, native Sprache Arabicsh - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: suche De zu lernen,,, native Sprache Arabicsh

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# Message Posted By
suche De zu lernen,,, native Sprache Arabicsh
Hello ... friend I am Hanaa, I am arabic girl from Syria, I am looking to improve my german language I passed B1 level,and I can help you to learn Arabic too.
and I am not Gold memeber please tell me how we can commencate
Ich suche meine Deuetsch Sprache zu verbesser, meine native Sprache ist Arabisch, ich kann ihnen helfen Arabich lernen.

Language pair: German; Arabic, Middle Eastern

July 6, 2008

Re:suche De zu lernen,,, native Sprache Arabicsh
Hi Hanaa,

do not know how I can get the gold status without payin' any fees. I think the only option we have is to write in that Forum or via email, msn, etc....

Btw. my name is Oliver and im from Germany so maybe I can teach u in some German phrases/words.....On the other side it would be very appreciate if you can teach me in some Arabic writing/ speeking since im a tax advisor for foreign people/ specialised for people from the Emirates (Dubai, Sharjah).

Looking forward on your next mail....


Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 135501

July 7, 2008

Re:Re:suche De zu lernen,,, native Sprache Arabicsh
Hello Oliver
Thank you for your relpy, I know that we can use MSN or e_mail to commencate.... but through this board it is not allwed to write your own e_mail...
any way ...I am realy intersent to learn and to improve German language...and to share this learning language with others..
Ich bin jezt in eine Stadt nahr Frankfurt heißt Gruß Gerau,
Ich bin Agraringenieurin von Beruf..Ich bin In De in Prakticum Kurs über Wasser Management ...
I am looking to hear from you

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 135554

July 17, 2008

Re:Re:Re:suche De zu lernen,,, native Sprache Arabicsh
Hello Hanaa,

What is B1 level? and how to get it?

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 136322
July 18, 2008

Re:suche De zu lernen,,, native Sprache Arabicsh

bin auch nicht Gold member aber

wir können uns ja schreiben

denke ich auch hier.

Möchte so gerne Arabisch lernen.



Language pair: German; Arabic, Middle Eastern
This is a reply to message # 135501
Al Ali

January 12, 2010


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