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Seeking Partners - i need help with this site! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: i need help with this site!

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i need help with this site!
hi! i am new here and i want to learn cantonese. i don't know how this thing works. i also need a language exchange partner, but i don't know how to get one. do i need to be a gold member? can someone give me details please???

Language pair: English; Chinese, Cantonese

April 19, 2010

Re:i need help with this site!
l live in beijing. I want to improve the spoken english. Please contact me. Here are two part. one is test168, the other is sina.cn. Waiting for you.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Cantonese
This is a reply to message # 170214
April 20, 2010


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