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Jokes - nice joke but is the tense okay? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: nice joke but is the tense okay?

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nice joke but is the tense okay?
I tried to translate this joke (german - english) but had a hard time with the tenses! Can anyone help?

Court-case after car accident

The lawyer of the guilty driver asks the complainant: "Is it right that you told my client, after the accident, that you are not injured?"

"Of course i said that but you have to know, how the thing happened:
Well, i was riding my horse even-tempered down the street. Suddenly this car was showing up and pushed us in the ditch.
You can't imagine what a flurry that was!
I was laying on the back, legs in the air - and my well-behaved, old horse too.
The driver got out, came to us and saw that my horse broke its leg. Therupon he stretched a gun and shot it dead.
After that he looked at me and asked: "Are you injured too?" - Well, i ask you Mr. Lawyer, what would you have answered?"

Maybe someone feels like doing the german translation for his/her german-practice? I could help you with that...

Language pair: English; All
November 24, 2010

Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
Hello, i need anyone to learn this language, can you help me please?

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 176906

November 26, 2010

Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
Say this way:

Court-case after car accident

The lawyer of a driver who caused an accident asks the complainant: "Is it right that after the accident, you told my client that you are not injured?"

"Of course I said that. But you have to know what happened:
I was riding my even-tempered horse down the street when suddenly this car was showing up and pushed us in the ditch.
You can't imagine what a ruckus that was!
I was lying on my back, legs in the air and my well-behaved, old horse was too.
The driver got out, came to us and saw that my horse broke its leg. Thereupon he pulled out a gun and shot it dead.
After that he looked at me and asked: "Are you injured too?" - Well, i ask you counselor, what would you have answered?"

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 176906

November 27, 2010

Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
"Suddenly this car was showing up and pushed us in the ditch" should be
"Suddenly this car showed up and pushed us in the ditch."

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 176906
November 28, 2010

Re:Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
Thank you both for your help! I think i have to practice my grammar... ;-)
Tara, i read that you want to practice german, maybe you want to translate the joke?

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 177006
November 29, 2010

Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
Thank you Sonja. I'm a beginner in German, but I'll give it a shot and will send it soon.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 176906
December 2, 2010

Re:Re:Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
Ok, here it is, but I bet I have tons of mistakes.

Ein Rechtsfall nach Autounfall

Die Rechtsanwältin von schuldig Fahrer fragt dem beschwerdeführer: "Ist es rightig, dass nach dem Unfall Sie haben meinem Client gesagt dass Sie nicht verletzt sind?"

"Natürlich habe ich das gesagt, aber müssen Sie wissen was passiert:
Ich bin mein gleichmütig Pferd auf der Straße gefahren. Unversehens ist ein Auto aufgetaucht und uns im Graben angeschoben.
Sie können nicht imaginieren was Krach es war! Ich war auf meinem Rücken, Beine in die Luft- und mein artig alt Pferd zu.
Der Fahrer ist ausgestiegen, zu uns gekommen und hat gesehen dass mein Pferd sich Bein gebrochen hat. Darauf ist er seine Waffe herausgezogen und hat das Pferd angeschossen tot.
Dann er hat mich angeschaut und gefragt: "Sind sie verltzt zu?" --Genau, ich frage sich, Herr Rechtsanwältin, was würden Sie Beantworten haben? "

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 177019
December 2, 2010

Re:Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
"Suddenly this car showed up and pushed us in the ditch."

Should be: "Suddenly, this car showed up and pushed us into the ditch."

I notice that Sonja is using too many commas. Unlike in German, commas are not so commonly used and also not used in every conjunction. :)

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 177006
December 10, 2010

Re:Re:Re:nice joke but is the tense okay?
oh yes! the commas... thank you for this advice! actually i learned that in school but the years went by and i did not have the possibility to write and practice.
i will read about that! :-)

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 177279
December 12, 2010


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