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Seeking Partners - This is my first time to come here, say hi to all first!!!^^ - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: This is my first time to come here, say hi to all first!!!^^

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# Message Posted By
This is my first time to come here, say hi to all first!!!^^
I'm a Chinese girl who live in Hong Kong, I love Korea music so much, thus wanna make fd with some Korean; And I'm learning Korean now, know a little bit, hope can communicate with some friends; I can also speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English, if who want to learn these languages, I'm willing to make friends with u all...^O^

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English

March 19, 2011

Re:This is my first time to come here, say hi to all first!!!^^
hi !i love korean music too !!
i need some practice in chinese !)
we have the same interestes )

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
This is a reply to message # 179528
Dasha Dubovaya
April 1, 2011


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