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Making Friends - I want to learn GERMANš - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: I want to learn GERMANš

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I want to learn GERMANš
hello!I'm Japanese girl.
Now,I'm studying German in school. and then, I want to make german friendsšAnd I'd be happy if you teach me German.
And,I can help you with Japanese.

Please contactš

Language pair: Japanese; German
October 29, 2008

Re:I want to learn GERMANš
I can teach you German and life in Germany.
Do you can my teach Japanese, if you like.
I hope, I can help you whit German.
We can be friends if you like. I'm male.

Language pair: Japanese; German
This is a reply to message # 142936
April 9, 2011


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