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Seeking Partners - I speak Portuguese and I'd like improve my english. Can you help me? Can I help you? - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: I speak Portuguese and I'd like improve my english. Can you help me? Can I help you?

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I speak Portuguese and I'd like improve my english. Can you help me? Can I help you?
HI, I'm looking for a language exchange. I have difficult to listening and speaking in English so I want pratice more. If you are native english speaker or would like some one to talk in English, contact me. I can teach Portuguese :D

Language pair: English; Portuguese

July 22, 2019

Re:I speak Portuguese and I'd like improve my english. Can you help me? Can I help you?
hey man, how are you doing?
I saw your message and I'm interested in practice my english. I know I'm not a native english speaker but I think we could help each other.
text me if you are interested too.
see ya!

Language pair: English; Portuguese
This is a reply to message # 236431

July 23, 2019

Re:I speak Portuguese and I'd like improve my english. Can you help me? Can I help you?
Hi, this message is 4 months old but I think I can help. I am a native English speaker and learned Spanish 24 years ago. I need to practice Portguese but when I cannot remember a word in Portguese, my brain uses a word in Spanish. So I need help listening, reading and speaking more frequently. Especially with the Brazilian pronunciation of ti, te, di, de and r. Eu se que esse mensagem foi do passado, mas acho que eu posso ajudar. Sou uma falante nativa de inglês e faz 24 anos que aprendi falar espanhol. Eu preciso de praticar português devido que o meu cérebro utiliza uma palavra de espanhol quando não lembro a palavra no português. Sobretudo apasronunciações dos sons ti, te, di, de e r/rr são muito difícil pra mim.

Language pair: English; Portuguese
This is a reply to message # 236431

October 3, 2019


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