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Seeking Partners - Looking for a partner - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Looking for a partner

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# Message Posted By
Looking for a partner
Hello! I'm a Brazilian Guy looking for someone to help me to practice my English! And of course I can help you to practice your Portuguese as well... I'm Very friendly, and I don't have any preference about it gender, age or anything! I just want to have a chance to talk and practicing with a native English speaker! I still haven't this experience and I think that I'll enjoy a lot!

Language pair: Portuguese; English
( Dudu )

April 10, 2019

Re:Looking for a partner
Oi! Eu sou falante nativa de inglês e aprendi espanhol. Preciso de praticar falando português, especialmente devido que o meu cérebro utiliza algumas palavras de espanhol quando não posso lembrar as palavras no português.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
This is a reply to message # 236074

October 3, 2019


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