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Slang/Expressions - Answer to questions about "sucker" "crack head" "bone head" - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: Answer to questions about "sucker" "crack head" "bone head"

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# Message Posted By
Answer to questions about "sucker" "crack head" "bone head"

greetings my syrian friend

none of these are necessarily harsh, as long as it is obvious that
you are joking -- they're quite effective if you're really mad
at the person and want to use them in their aggressive form

"sucker" is a gullible person, usually the victim of a trick, and is old slang; I would not say it to a person's face, but it's useful for describing them to someone else, especially if you pity the person being described

"crack head" means drug addict or crazy person, and is difficult to use in everday situations -- you're telling the person they have
lost their mental capacity -- if they can see that you're joking or exaggerating, you may use it -- or use it if you really believe the person has lost his or her mind

"bone head" can be used in a joking way almost any time; it is not
considered a serious description by most-- it's especially useful to describe one's own self after doing something in a clumsy manner

As for the "friends" episode, I'm sorry but I have not seen that
one. A similar expression is "the hunters have become the hunted"
and is meant to convey an ironic or unexpected result.

Language pair: English; Spanish
February 27, 2004

Re:Answer to questions about
thx alot my american friend :) .. sorry i was away from the site for a while so i haven't got the chance to thank u ..so thank u :)

take care

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
This is a reply to message # 26776
March 9, 2004


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