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Jokes - Was ist Los? - Language Exchange

Category: Jokes
Discussion: Was ist Los?

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Was ist Los?
Native English Speakers are probably familiar with the following silliness:

Kid #1: What’s up?

Kid #2: The SKY’s up!!!

You will be relieved to know that we are not the only ones in the world doing this. A friend of mine in Germany once told me of a very similar game they play in Deutschland:

Kind 1: Vas ist Los?

Kind 2: Der Hund is los, und die katze ist in der keller!

“Vas ist Los” is the German for “What’s up”, but “los” doesn’t mean “up” in German; it means “loose”

So the response, “Der Hund ist los, und de katze ist in der keller” means, “the dog is loose and the cat is in the cellar”.

Isn’t it nice to know that silliness is universal?

Puti? Cameron? Dwyn?
Perhaps silliness could form a basis for the new Esperanto!


Mark Springer
CSUS Sacramento, CA, USA

Language pair: German; English

February 15, 2005

Re:Was ist Los?
Thie Finnish equivalent of "how are you?" is "mitä kuuluu?", which could be literally understood as "what is audible?", i.e. "what are you hearing?". With a bit of luck you may actually get a funny answer to this perfectly normal question in Finland.

(Actually the verb "kuulua" may be a homonymous pair, meaning "to belong", and thus the real meaning of "mitä kuuluu?" would be "what kinds of things belong to your life nowadays?")


Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 45007

February 16, 2005

Re:Was ist Los?
I'm going to do that to someone! If they ask me what's up, I'll say, "the dog is loose and the cat is in the celler!
Another thing you could say is:

Person one:
Where are you?
Person two:
Where the fox and the rabit wish eachother good night.
(the middle of knowhere!) Meliny our tour director in germany told us this in german and english.

This is great, I'm definitly going to do this, actualy, I'm going to do it right now! bye

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 45007
June 3, 2005

Re:Re:Was ist Los?
I assume that this is something you say in German? Because in English, I 'don't see why you'd want to say it. Maybe I'm missing something. How do you say it in German?


Another thing you could say is:

Person one:
Where are you?
Person two:
Where the fox and the rabit wish eachother good night.
(the middle of knowhere!) Meliny our tour director in germany told us this in german and english.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 53235

June 5, 2005

Re:Re:Re:Was ist Los?
"Wo die Haar (rabit) und die(fox) begrüß gute nacht!"

I don't know about the spelling.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 53305
June 5, 2005


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