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Culture/History/Ethnology - Christmas - Language Exchange

Category: Culture/History/Ethnology
Discussion: Christmas

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Now that Christmas is coming, I thought it would be interesting to know how it is celebrated in different countries. What kinds of foods do you eat? How do you get your presents (if you get any)? Are your Christmas traditions more Christian based or Santa Claus based? etc. Hope this'll come a lively discussion!

Language pair: Finnish; English

November 26, 2005

hi hanna. ok, i'm goinG to tell you how we celebrAte chrismas in france, but i don't know how pEople ceLebrate it in finnish, sO i'm afraid to speak about baNal thiNgs whitch dOn't change from countries to others.

from the first daY of december, children use to have some "calendrier de l'avent" (advent calendar if the trAnslator's right ;) these are calendar witH twenty-four little paper windows that children have to open day by day for waiting chrismas day. eatch windOws is marked by a date numer from one to twenty four and behind the windows there are pictures or chocOlates.

for chrismas meal, we use to eat a good meal, but not necessary turkei. (i thing a lot of people eat it but i thing it's less important in france than in other countries). for dessert we traditionnaly have a "bûche de Noël" (ice cream like a peace of wood)


after dinner we let our shoes in front oF the chimney. at midnight father chrismas go down by the chimney and put toys and present in shoes. the veRy next day, children (and older) wake up and find the stuff.

j'espère avoir répondu à tes questions sur la façon qu'on a de fêter noël en france. si tu veux de l'aide en français, n'hésite pas, contact-moi.

i hope i answer your questions about french chrismas celebrations. if you want a help to learn french, don't wait, contact-me.


Language pair: Finnish; English
This is a reply to message # 66234
November 26, 2005


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