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Slang/Expressions - how to say : what is your name in german and french - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: how to say : what is your name in german and french

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how to say : what is your name in german and french
hi i would like to learn german and french please conntact me!!! am not a gold membership but i will as soon as i can.. bye bye

Language pair: English; Spanish
February 16, 2006

Re:how to say : what is your name in german and french
Whats your name:

German : Wie heißt du?
Wie heißen Sie?
French : Comment tu t'appelles?
Comment vous s'appellez?

Language pair: German; All
This is a reply to message # 72117
February 19, 2006

Re:Re:how to say : what is your name in german and french
i see you speack german, well are you intrested in teaching me? i will appreciate it. ok well thanks
hope to hear from you soon

Language pair: German; All
This is a reply to message # 72314
February 22, 2006


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