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Computer Technology - using japanese kanji on my pc - Language Exchange

Category: Computer Technology
Discussion: using japanese kanji on my pc

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using japanese kanji on my pc
is there a programe or something out there that would allow an american pc to read/write in japanese?... anyone know ?. please help me if you would be so kind thank you

Language pair: English; Japanese
September 15, 2006

Re:using japanese kanji on my pc
Yes I do know, it is easy if you are running Windows XP.

Go into Control Panel, click DATE TIME LANGUAGE AND REGIONAL OPTIONS > REGIONAL AND LANGUAGE OPTIONS > LANGUAGEES TAB > click Install files for east asian languages and click ok, return to here
CLICK Details...

click add about 1/2 way down the screen
select japanese, keyboard type Microsoft IME standard...
enable your language bar open word and change language to japanese type (hiragana) press space and it'll change to kanji

any trouble email back, pls

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 89029
October 11, 2006


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